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What You Need to Know About Aviva Scarless Labiaplasty Treatment

If you are experiencing discomfort in your genital area due to large vulvar tissue, you may be a good candidate for Aviva scarless labiaplasty treatment. Women can experience irritation and discomfort in their genital area when having sexual intercourse, wearing tight clothing, and exercising. Additionally, loose tissue in the vaginal area can lead to other health concerns for women.

For women who wish to treat discomfort in the genital area and labia or better its appearance, Aviva is an alternative to surgical labiaplasty and is a great, non-surgical option offered by the professionals at Avista Women’s Care. This procedure is non-excisional and can restore the normal function and aesthetic appearance of the vulvar tissue. With shorter treatment and recovery time, you can take advantage of the many benefits Aviva has to offer.

What Causes Irregular Vulvar Tissue?

Some women are born with large or irregular labia, while other women experience stretched-out or weakened vaginal tissue as they get older. Vaginal tissue can become stretched out due to childbirth or large hormonal changes like menopause, which can lead to increased laxity in the labia and thinning of other vaginal tissue.

The structural proteins that tighten and lift skin—collagen and elastin—can become thin or weakened when hormonal changes occur. A lack of collagen and elastin production leads to looser skin, loss of skin texture and tone, and thin and weakened tissue.
Many women may feel self-conscious due to the appearance of loose skin in their genital area. Furthermore, vaginal looseness can lead to other health concerns, such as repeated instances of vaginitis, urinary incontinence, and loss of intimacy in a relationship.

What is Aviva Labiaplasty?

Aviva by InMode is a vaginal rejuvenation device that uses radiofrequency and heat to reduce vaginal laxity. This scarless labiaplasty treatment is non-surgical and largely effective in decreasing the size of labia and other outer-vaginal tissue. It’s a great alternative to the traditional, more invasive labiaplasty treatment.

For women wanting to improve vulvar appearance and decrease discomfort related to vaginal looseness, Aviva is a highly effective cosmetic gynecological procedure. Aviva can treat vulvar and labial tissue, including the labia majora, labia minora, perineum, clitoral hood, vaginal opening, and mons pubis.

What Are the Benefits of Aviva?

Besides decreasing your risk of other health concerns, Aviva can offer many benefits to you by improving the appearance of your genital area and reducing or eliminating any discomfort you are experiencing. Some benefits of the non-surgical Aviva treatment include:
  • Non-surgical and minimally invasive compared to traditional surgical labiaplasty
  • Reduces excess vulvar and labial tissue and tightens and tones surrounding skin areas
  • Tightens vaginal opening and improves clitoral stimulation for better sexual function and enjoyment
  • Decreases incidence of recurrent vaginitis and vaginal dryness
  • Effective and safer to use since the treatment protects soft tissue from any risk of thermal injury
  • Improves the appearance of the genital area and restores confidence
  • Reverses signs of aging in the female genital area
  • Increases comfort during sports, exercise, or other physical activity
  • Lack of incision means no scarring or extensive damage to sensitive tissue
  • Minimizes discomfort and downtime after treatment in comparison to traditional surgical options
Aviva Appointment

What to Expect During Your Aviva Appointment

Before receiving Aviva, you will have a consultation with your provider to determine whether you’re a good candidate for labiaplasty treatment. Your provider will recommend the best treatment plan for your body. 

After localized anesthetic is introduced, your provider will make a small entry point into the skin using a thin hollow tube called a cannula. The cannula helps to direct radiofrequency energy into specific areas of the vulva. The radiofrequency energy helps to stimulate collagen and elastin production to build up and tighten loose tissue.

After the handheld device is guided under the skin the vulvar tissue is heated, excess skin is carefully adjusted around the vaginal opening and other parts of the genital area until a symmetrical, smooth appearance is achieved. Aviva treatment is an outpatient, in-office procedure that takes less than an hour to complete.

Post-Aviva Treatment

You’ll be able to resume activities such as driving and working immediately. After treatment, you will experience some mild swelling, discomfort, and redness in the area for one to two weeks. Over-the-counter pain medications like Tylenol can help to alleviate swelling and pain.
You should avoid hot baths, hot tubs, and swimming pools for at least a week after treatment. Also, avoid using tampons and having sexual intercourse for at least two weeks.
Some patients see a noticeable improvement in comfort and appearance of the genital area three months after treatment, but full results are usually seen after at least six months. Most patients are satisfied with results after one Aviva treatment; however, individual results can vary as with most other cosmetic treatments. If you are still experiencing discomfort or are unhappy with your results, talk to your provider about the vaginal rejuvenation options that are available to you.

Is Aviva Right for Me?

Aviva is ideal for women who want to tighten and tone the labial tissue without excising excess skin. Aviva can help to restore the youthful appearance of the female genital area, especially for those who have had children or are post-menopausal. Without labiaplasty treatment, vaginal areas can continue to stretch out over time, causing further physical discomfort and even loss of self-confidence.

If you’re interested in learning more about Aviva labiaplasty treatment here at Avista Women's Care, or any of our other AWC Wellness and Aesthetics options, contact us today at 303-439-8910 to schedule your consultation.